Autoracks Lean Into the Curve - UP Jefferson City Subdivision

Autoracks Lean Into the Curve on UP's Jefferson City Subdivision, at Maplewood, MO.
Autoracks - Maplewood, MO
Autorack cars on a westbound Union Pacific train enter the curve along Greenwood Blvd., near the Sutton Blvd. crossing, on UP's Jefferson City Subdivision. In the distance one of the signals can be seen for the crossovers at Control Point D007 (mile post 6.9) on the subdivision. The train was only just beginning it trek across the state of Missouri from St. Louis to Kansas City. The Jefferson City Subdivision runs from Gratiot Interlocking, near downtown St. Louis, to River Junction, in Jefferson City, MO. Once the train gets to Jefferson City, MO. it would take UP's Sedalia Subdivision onward to Kansas City.

Photo taken: October 18, 2005. Maplewood, Missouri.


  1. Fabulous shot! The vantage point you took is awesome giving the strong curves on both the train and the tracks their prominence!

  2. Love this! Great look in monochrome and composition!

  3. Thank you very much, Ann Kennedy. I really like how the tops of the tracks stand out in the shadow of the train.

    Thanks a lot, Shelly Gunderson. The image gained a lot more pop once I converted it to B&W.


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