Swing Span Control Booth - Keokuk and Hamilton Bridge - Keokuk, IA

Years ago while traveling to the Quad Cities area to photograph Iowa Interstate Railway's QJ steam locomotives , my family and I came across the Keokuk and Hamilton Bridge , at Keokuk, Iowa. Originally, the bridge had both a railroad deck and a road deck. However, these days only the railroad deck is still used. Part of the old road deck has been converted to a pedestrian path, but ends at the swing span, which is open in this image to allow river boat traffic to pass. This image's view is looking eastward at the swing span and its control booth, from the Keokuk, Iowa side.I've posted other photographs of this bridge taken at the same time. You can see a few other images that I have taken of the bridge at this link . October 17, 2008. Keokuk, Iowa.