CSX 7570 - TRRA Merchants Subdivision - St Louis - July 2008

CSXT 7570 - St. Louis, MO CSX 7570 rolls south (away from the camera) on TRRA's Merchants Subdivision , in North St. Louis. CSX 7570 and another locomotive were trying to make a quick run past the mini-Death Star in the background. The large "Death Star" dome is part of Continental Cement Company. This photograph is looking south, from just north of Clinton Street. CSX 7570 is a General Electric built C40-8 model locomotive. The locomotive was built in 1989, for the CSX railroad. Since this photograph was taken, the locomotive has been sold off to GECX , a railroad leasing company, and is now GECX 7570. Photograph taken: July 14, 2008, at St. Louis, Missouri.