Folding@Home and how to cool your GPU semi-MacGyver style

This post is going to have a few of my photographs, but it is a departure from my normal photography posts. With the world having been turned upside down and most of us hunkering down in our homes, with limited outside adventures, it may seem there is little that you can do to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. However, aside from practicing social distancing, there is something you can do from home. You can donate your computer's unused CPU and GPU cycles to the Folding@Home Project . If you would like to skip to the photographs , they are down at the bottom of this post. What is Folding@Home? Folding@Home (FAH) is a distributed computing network, like the SETI project. The project started at Stanford University, but is now managed out of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis , Missouri. Once you download and install the FAH software on your computer it downloads data from the project to be processed on your system, and then sends the results back to the project...