American Robin eating from a sumac seed head at Kirkville, NY.

 The American Robin has become much more visible over the last month now that the spring thaw is well underway. I've seen many flitting about from tree branch to tree branch in the forest behind my house. As well as scurrying around on the lawn foraging for food. While, I haven't been able to capture a photograph of one yet near my home, I did manage to capture some photographs of a robin while over in Kirkville, New York, earlier this week.

American Robin

While I was in Kirkville, New York, photographing trains, I happened upon this robin perched in a nearby tree eating what looks to be a small flower or flower bud from a sumac seed head (thanks, to Jim, for his comment below identifying the sumac seed). Cornell University's All About Birds website states that in the fall and winter robins eat a lot of fruit and seeds. In the warmer months the robins forage for worms in the ground.

An American Robin perched in a tree at Kirkville, NY
An American Robin perched in a tree at Kirkville, NY.

According to the All About Birds website, the year-round habitat of the American Robin includes most of the contiguous United States. During the winter, robins tend to keep a low profile and roost in the treetops.

The American Robin takes a bite of sumac seed
The American Robin takes a bite of sumac seed.

Photographs taken on March 29, 2022, at Kirkville, New York.


  1. The robins, or someone, has been enjoying that sumac seed head

    Nice one Tom. Do you have any staying over during the winter. We get a few in sheltered areas. (I'm north of you in Ottawa, Ontario)

    1. Thanks a lot, Jim, for the identification of the sumac seed head. According to the All About Birds website, NY is within the year-round habitat zone for the American Robin. But I must admit that until the spring thaw started here that I hadn't noticed them. They were probably nesting in the forest behind my house and keeping a low profile.

  2. Very nice captures of them Tom! We have them around all year. I mostly see them in the trees while walking.

    1. Thanks, Shelly.

      I don't recall seeing them here, even in the treetops of the forest behind my house. But the robins are now in abundance.


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