CSXT 5115 leading I001 westbound through CP 291 at Syracuse, NY.

I001 is westbound, passing through CP 291 of the Syracuse Terminal Subdivision.
I001 is westbound, passing through CP 291 of the Syracuse Terminal Subdivision. 

  I001, the once-a-week westbound UPS priority train, came through Syracuse, New York, today. I caught the train as it came west through Control Point (CP) 291 on the Syracuse Terminal Subdivision. CP 291 sits along the southeastern edge of Onondaga Lake. At 196 axles, the entire train can be seen in the photograph above. The green colored bridge behind the eastbound signal bridge is I-81. The westbound signal bridge stands on the east side of the interstate.  The slight hill the train is coming over is the bridge over Onondaga Creek.

Photograph taken on November 29, 2022, at Syracuse, New York.


  1. I know it is the perspective from the lens, but that looks like a short somewhat steep hill. If "UPS" is the UPS Courier, interesting it is only a weekly train. But I guess they move stuff that isn't on a priority delivery schedule.

    1. The extreme telephoto (600mm) makes the hill look much steeper than it really is. It is United Parcel Service that primarily has cargo on this train. There are a number of other CSX trains on this line from New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts that carry large amounts of UPS and FedEx cargo. I002, I003, I004, I007, I008, I009, I010, I017, and I020 are all priority intermodal trains that run on this line. Odd numbered are west bounds and even numbered trains are east bounds. I002 is I001's counterpart and runs on Thursdays. The two trains goal is to offer 24-hour service between Chicago, IL., and the New York/New Jersey area.

  2. Cool compression with the 600mm. Very neat shot and interesting info as always.


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