Red-tailed hawk with a fresh catch of squirrel


This red-tailed hawk stands on the ground and takes break from eating the squirrel it just caught.
This red-tailed hawk stands on the ground and takes break from eating the squirrel it just caught. 

  Yesterday, I turned a corner in my neighborhood and spotted a red-tailed hawk tearing at and eating a squirrel it had just caught. It was on the ground about eight feet from the road. I quickly stopped a short distance from it and snapped off a few shots before it plucked the squirrel in its claws and flew away to enjoy the catch in private.

Photograph taken on March 9, 2023, at Syracuse, New York.


  1. Nice catch for you and the hawk. You don't get to see that very often.

    1. Thanks, Jim. I see these hawks flying high in the sky over the forest near my house, but down on the ground eating at a street corner is a new sighting for me.

    2. We had two like that in Florida a couple of weeks ago. One was sitting on the street sign and flew down to grab something small (a worm?) and a second one flew in and sat next to the first. A first for us

  2. Nice catch, as Jim says, for the both of you. I wish the hawks around here would take care of my squirrels. 4 of them visiting the bird feeder these days. UGH


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