Interstate 70's Eisenhower Tunnel from Loveland Pass

Interstate 70's Eisenhower Tunnel from Loveland Pass
Interstate 70 at the Eisenhower Tunnel

This view is looking toward I-70 and the east entrance to the Eisenhower Tunnel. The road curving up in the lower left is Loveland Pass (US 6), which trucks carrying hazardous materials have to use, instead of the tunnel on I-70. The tunnel goes under the Continental Divide, while Loveland Pass goes up and over it.

Photo taken: September 6, 2013, from Loveland Pass.


  1. Great capture! I have not seen it from this angle before.

  2. Thanks a lot, Shelly Gunderson. This was from somewhere close to the road. I didn't stray too far from the road, except for when walking on some of the trails near the top of the pass.

  3. Thanks a lot, á™…Yᙖᙓᖇ á—ªOá™…™

  4. Well I need to get out more or look around more. :-)

  5. Shelly Gunderson, here's the spot on Google Maps where I took this image. Right in the middle of the U-turn loop. There's a small gravel pull off area along the rode. - Loveland Pass

  6. Great perspective shot, Tom! Thanks for the map, too. I'll have to try and remember that for the next time I'm up that way.


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