A turkey vulture above Oswego harbor on Lake Ontario

 Back in late September, we took a drive up to Oswego, New York, to see Fort Ontario and Lake Ontario. While there I tried to capture some of the birds flying above the lake. Most didn't turn out well, but I was able to get this one photograph of a turkey vulture that I was pretty happy with, even though it was from behind the bird.

A turkey vulture sores through the sky above Lake Ontario
Soaring above the Oswego harbor on Lake Ontario.

By using Cornell University's All About Birds website, I discovered that this is a turkey vulture. And, according to the Audubon Society, the area around Lake Ontario is part of the turkey vulture's breeding grounds.

Turkey vultures are large birds. According to the All About Birds website, their length ranges from approximately 25-31 inches (64-81 centimeters), and their wingspans can range from 66.9-70.1 inches (170-178 centimeters). They are also carrion birds, meaning they prefer to eat dead animals. 

Photograph taken on September 26, 2021, at Oswego, New York.


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