CSXT 948 leads I162-06 at DeWitt Yard

A few Sundays back, I was over at the "Green Bridge" in Minoa, New York, doing a bit of train watching.  The "Green Bridge" is a pedestrian overpass that crosses the eastern side of CSX's DeWitt Yard. While there, I caught CSXT 948 leading intermodal train I162-06.

CSXT 948 and intermodal train I162

CSXT 948 on the point of Q162-06 at CP282, at DeWitt Yard.
CSXT 948 on the point of Q162-06 approaching CP282, near the Green Bridge.

I162, previously named Q162, is a daily intermodal train that runs from North Baltimore, Ohio, to Port Newark, New Jersey. The train works a number of intermodal terminals during its trip, including DeWitt Yard. Above, I162 is slowly approaching control point (CP) 282 (MP QC282.5), at the Green Bridge. The block signal is for Track 1 of the Syracuse Terminal Subdivision, which can be partially see in the below photograph. I162-06 was coming through CP282 from the yard lead to Track 1. 

Intermodal cars on I162-06 snake their way into CP282
Intermodal cars on I162-06 at CP282.

Even with the front of the train now well beyond CP282, I162-06 stretched for well over a mile. As the train slowly rolled by a crew member watched, keeping track of the train's cars. DeWitt Yard is designated as an inland-port, so many of the intermodal trains that run between the East Coast and Midwest stop to pickup and setout rail cars.

Train crew member watches as I162-06 passes by at DeWitt Yard
A train crew member watches as I162-06 passes by at DeWitt Yard.

Photographs taken on November 7, 2021, at Minoa, New York.


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