The Lake Shore Limited in Lake Effect Snow at Memphis, NY.

 Today the Syracuse, New York, area got hit with a lake effect snowstorm. After the first wave of snow seemed to be over, I thought that the Lake Shore Limited (LSL) would look great kicking up the snow on the ground. I decided to head over toward Warners and Memphis, New York, to try and catch LSL on the Rochester Subdivision. I wound up at Memphis, New York, about fifteen minutes before the LSL arrived.

AMTK 112 and the Lake Shore Limited kick up snow at Memphis, NY
AMTK 112 and the Lake Shore Limited kick up snow at Memphis, NY.

I heard the defect detector (DD) at milepost (MP) QC 313.7 go off, and about seven to eight minutes later the LSL, led by AMTK 112 and AMTK 172 came roaring through Memphis kicking up a cloud of freshly fallen snow.  After arriving forty minutes late into Rochester, New York, the LSL was trying its best to make up time. 

The Lake Shore Limited rolls over the defect detector at Memphis, NY.

Within a few seconds the LSL had passed over the DD at Memphis (MP QC 302.6) and was rolling on toward its next stop at Syracuse, New York. The DD reported the LSL to be rolling east at 77MPH.

Photographs taken on January 7, 2022, at Memphis, New York.


  1. Really nice action captured in the snow! Love these. Amtrak doesn't come through my area. Have to travel west and or south.

    1. Thanks, Shelly! It was cold, and I got a face full of snow, but I'm happy with how the photographs turned out.


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