Syracuse Terminal Subdivision CP285 at DeWitt Yard

 Control Point (CP) 285 sits along CSX's Syracuse Terminal Subdivision (STS) on the western end of DeWitt Yard. This end of the almost three-and-a-half-mile long yard is in East Syracuse, New York. The CP, along with CP286, controls trains on the STS, as well as trains entering and departing DeWitt Yard.

A trio of CSX locomotives, including CSXT 6479, enter DeWitt Yard via the New Lead, next to MP 286.

CP285, officially, per a 2004 CSX timetable, is at milepost (MP) QC 286 of the STS. Close to the center of CP285, the New York Central (NYC) concrete milepost 286 still stands on the south side of the tracks at the Bridge Street overpass.

East end of CP285

CSXT 452 & CSXT 76 lead ethanol train B725-03 east on Track 2, past intermodal train I169-03 on the Departure Yard Lead.

  The east side of the CP is east of Bridge Street, along East 1st Street, at MP QC 285.97, per one of the relay/control cabins. This end of the CP controls trains heading west on Track 1 and Track 2 of the STS, the CSS, the Departure Yard Lead, and the New Lead. There is also CP signal for westbound movements on the North Runner, but no eastbound CP signal. The Inbound Lead is not part of CP285. Movements on it are controlled at CP286, where the Inbound Lead diverges from Track 1.

CSXT 982 leads I017-21 west on Trk. 2 between CP285's westward absolute signals (WAS), MP 285.97.

A set of wayside block signals control Track 1 and Track 2. A cantilever signal bridge controls westbound movements on the Departure Yard Lead and CSS. A dwarf signal controls westbound movements on the New Lead. The Departure Yard Lead, CSS, and New Lead all diverge from Track 1 at CP285.

CSXT 3449 leads Q009-26 (now I009) west on the Departure Yard Lead at CP285
Looking north, CSXT 3449 leads Q009-26 (now I009) west on the Departure Yard Lead at CP285. Long intermodal trains will move west through CP285 while working the Departure Yard.

CSXT 913 and CSXT 450 lead Q367-07 west on the North Runner at CP285
CSXT 913 and CSXT 450 lead Q367-07 (now M367) west on the North Runner at CP285. Closest track is the New Lead, with the Inbound Lead in the middle.

West end of CP285

AMTK 108 leads P284 east at CP285
AMTK 108 leads P284 east at CP285.

  The western end of the CP is west of Bridge Street. CP285's eastward absolute signals (EAS) are at East 1st Street and Welch Street, approximately MP QC 286.1. There are two wayside signals that control eastbound train movements. The Peat Street Lead diverges from Track 2 and goes west into CSX's TransFlo facility. The Peat Street Lead continues further west of the trans-load facility for approximately 1.8 miles, but this portion of the line looks to be out of service. To the north of the main line tracks are the Inbound lead and the North Runner. The Inbound lead is not part of CP285, it continues west to CP286. 

West end of DeWitt Yard

Looing west from the southern edge of DeWitt Yard toward CP285
Looking west along East 1st St., from the south side of DeWitt Yard, toward CP285. From left to right, Track 2, Track 1, Controlled Siding, Departure Yard Lead, South Runner.

  The western end of DeWitt Yard sits between Bridge Street and Interstate 481. This end of the yard has good public access on the south side of the yard. There are also walkways on both sides of the Bridge Street overpass. Besides through-freight trains and Amtrak trains running on Track 2 and Track 1 of the STS, it is common to see intermodal trains working on the CSS and Departure Yard Lead. Usually in the morning, intermodal trains I169 and I009 can be found working the yard. 

The intermodal facility at DeWitt Yard, with the MoW yard in the behind it
Moving from the foreground to the background are the South Runner track, intermodal facility, North Runner, and the MoW yard. 

  DeWitt Yard is classified as an inland-port yard. Operations here perform intermodal container movements originating in and destined for Central New York. In addition to these container movements, CSX performs intermodal block swapping here to reduce the strain on Selkirk Yard. Generally, intermodal train blocks built at DeWitt get moved to the Departure Yard for pickup by intermodal trains, such as I007, I008, and I009, and I010.

CSXT 3248 and CSXT 5393 lead priority intermodal train I003-30 west on Track 2. Beyond the I-481 overpass are two CSX locomotives sitting on the Middle Connection track.
CSXT 3248 leads priority intermodal train I003-30 west on Track 2. I003 does not stop to work DeWitt. Beyond the I-481 overpass, two CSX locomotives sit on the Middle Connection track.


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