AMTK 108 (Phase VI 50th), plus CSXT 35 with CSXT 4005 at Kirkville, NY

AMTK 108 and AMTK 101 leading the Lake Shore Limited

 After taking the kids to Lewis Park in Minoa, NY., we decided to head over to Kirkville, NY., to catch Amtrak's Lake Shore Limited, with AMTK 108 leading the train. We got lucky, and also caught a CSX manifest freight leaving DeWitt Yard.

Auto 280/CP 280 on the Syracuse Terminal Subdivision

Looking east toward Auto 280 and CP280, while being eaten alive by mosquitos
Looking east toward Auto 280 and CP280, while being eaten alive by mosquitos.

After finding a nice spot next to the Syracuse Terminal Subdivision (STS), along Saintsville Road, at Town Isle Road, and getting attacked by New York's native "bird", the mosquito, we had to move east a bit more. After driving east, a short distance, we found another nice place to pull off of the road at the Auto 280 and CP 280 block signals (located at milepost (MP) QC280.5). Thankfully, there were no mosquitos at this spot.

CP208 at milepost QC208.39 on the Syracuse Terminal Subdivision
CP280 on the Syracuse Terminal Sub., along Saintsville Rd.

The STS has three tracks at this location. Track 2 is closest to the road, then Track 1 in the middle, and Track 4 is the furthest track. Saintsville Road runs along the south side of the STS here, between Minoa Road (to the west) and North Kirkville Road (to the east).

AMTK 108 "Connecting America for 50 Years"

After a short wait the headlight of AMTK 108 appeared as the Lake Shore Limited left DeWitt Yard. Within a minute, the train was quickly rolling past us on Track 2, while a manifest freight slowly left the yard on Track 4, in the distance.

AMTK 108 and AMTK 101 lead the Lake Shore Limited along Saintsville Rd. at Kirkville, NY
The Lake Shore Limited (eastbound) on the Syracuse Terminal Subdivision.

AMTK 108 is painted in Amtrak's Phase VI paint scheme, and features lettering commemorating Amtrak's 50th anniversary. Today's Lake Shore Limited would be terminating in Rensselaer, NY., due to damage on the Hudson Line caused by the remnants of hurricane Ida.

CSXT 35 and CSXT 4005 at CP280

CSXT 35 & CSXT 4005 (eastbound) on Track 4 of the STS
CSXT 35 & CSXT 4005 (eastbound) on Track 4 of the STS.

A short time later, CSXT 35 and CSXT 4005 finally lugged their manifest train east to CP280. This train was slowly moving east down Track 4 of the STS, and sounded like it was underpowered. In the first photograph, above, you can see the block signals at CP282 on the eastern end of DeWitt Yard. Beyond, the signals at CP283 can be seen. From the south side of Saintsville Road, the train continues to slowly move east.

CSXT 35 and CSXT 4005 are eastbound along Saintsville Rd., nearing CP280 on Track 4
CSXT 35 and CSXT 4005 are eastbound along Saintsville Rd., nearing CP280 on Track 4.

The last two photographs of this post are closer views of CSXT 35 and CSXT 4005, as they finally made it to to CP280.

CSXT 35 and CSXT 4005, eastbound, near CP280 on Track 4
CSXT 35 and CSXT 4005, eastbound, near CP280 on Track 4.

CSXT 4005, an SD40-3 rebuild, at CP280.
CSXT 4005, an SD40-3 rebuild, eastbound at CP280.

Photographs taken on September 3, 2021, at Kirkville, NY.


  1. Great images. Nice Amtrak shot. Had to laugh at the Mosquito comment. Nice to see you posting regularly again.

    1. Thanks, Shelly. It's feels good to be posting regularly, again.

      The mosquitos up here in CNY are nuts. I've never seen so many, and such big ones.


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