L024-20 on the North Runner at CP286 in East Syracuse, NY.

  CSXT 2502, CSXT 2349, and CSXT 6113 lead local train L024-20 east on the North Runner at Control Point (CP) 286. The train is heading east towards DeWitt Yard. The yard is just around the curve ahead of the train.

CSXT 2502, CSXT 2349, and CSXT 6113 lead local train L024-20 at CP 286.
CSXT 2502, CSXT 2349, and CSXT 6113 lead L024-20 at CP 286. DeWitt Yard is just around the curve.

  L024 runs on CSX's Fairgrounds Subdivision (FGS) and Baldwinsville Subdivision (BS), as well as working the Peat Street Lead and Solvay Hill. 

  The Peat Street Lead diverges from Track 2 of the Syracuse Terminal Subdivision at CP285.The Fairgrounds Subdivision starts at CP293 of the Syracuse Terminal Subdivision at Solvay, New York. From CP293 the FGS runs north past the New York State Fairgrounds to CP SALT, milepost (MP) QCB 1.9. At CP SALT, the FGS ends, and the BS starts. The Baldwinsville Subdivision runs north to Radis, MP QCB 11.0. The subdivision used to run north to Oswego, New York, but no longer does.

Photograph taken on June 20, 2022, at East Syracuse, New York.


  1. Neat shot! My drone arrived Monday so I have been practicing.

    1. Thanks, Shelly. Great to hear that you got a drone. Looking forward to your photographs from it.


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