Union Pacific 844 - South Central Express Heritage Tour part three

Union Pacific 844 was on display at Kansas City Union Station over the 2006 Memorial Day Weekend. On the morning of Tuesday, May 30th, the train would depart Kansas City, Missouri, and head to Fairbury, Nebraska. UP 844 and the South Central Express Heritage Tour (SCEHT) were on the return portion of the trip and were heading back to Cheyenne, Wyoming. Ready to depart KC Union Station UP 844 and is waiting on Track 27 and is ready to depart KC Union Station. UP 844 and the SCEHT are on the return leg of a multi-state tour. The train arrived at Kansas City Union Station , from Claremore, Oklahoma , on May 28, 2006. On the morning of May 30th, the train was preparing to depart Kansas City for its run to Fairbury, Nebraska, where it would spend the night. Onlookers view and photograph UP 844 before it departs Kansas City, Missouri. UP 844 on the move UP 844 is eastbound at Swingster Road in Bonnor Springs, KS. UP 5989 and UP 8288 are stopped. The chase was a short one for m...